Vision and Mission

Vision and Mission of St. Paul's High School


Of the Goa Province Jesuits (Adopted by the province Jesuits)
We the Jesuits of the Goa Province,
In fidelity to our vocation
As servants of Christ’s mission
Are sent to build human communities
Imbued with the values of God’s Kingdom
– Justice, Love and Peace –
In solidarity with poor and marginalized.
In fulfilling this mission, we as a body
Respond to the critical needs of our people,
And challenged by the signs of our times,
We dialogue
With the cultures and religions we encounter.
Relying at all times on God’s favour,
We readily reach out
To all men and women of goodwill
As co-responsible partners in our undertakings.


We, the members of the Jesuit institutions of the Goa Province, in fidelity to our Vocation as educators, are sent to build human communities based on the values of God’s Kingdom – Justice, Love and Peace – forming men and women, conscious of their mission to serve especially the underprivileged.